This term our topic in Geography is ‘Why are rainforests important to us?’ For our DT project we will be making levers, pivots and linkages in order to make a moving monster. In English, we are using the book, ‘Mr Majeika’ to write a story ending, a non-chronological report and a cinquain poem!
In Maths, we will be continuing our work on multiplication and division before moving onto length and height and finally mass and capacity. Year 3’s will also do some work on fractions. In Science, our topic is ‘Light and Shadow’ where the children will explore why light reflects and why our shadows will change during different times of the day. In Computing, the children will create pictograms and binary trees and in PSHE we will focus on the ‘Healthy Me’ topic, where we will learn what a healthy diet looks like and how to use medicines safely.
- Weekly spellings handed out on a Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday.
- Reading daily at home with your child.
- Times tables rockstars! We have a weekly competition against Class 3 so keep practising!
- Our new homework project – choose 1 or more to complete and bring it into class to show us!