At the federation of Beckwithshaw, Kettlesing Felliscliffe and Ripley CE Primary schools we aim to provide a community of compassion. A place where all children are courageous and who grow together, guided by love.
Welcome to Class 3 class page. Here you can find information about our current learning as well as homework and any letters.
This half term we are learning about Carl Linnaeus and will begin reading The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie. In History, we are looking at census and our local area. In DT, we will be exploring textiles and making our own waistcoats.
- Half Term spellings handed out at the beginning of the half term and tested each week.
- Reading daily at home with your child.
- Times Tables Rockstars practise as much as possible!
Any questions, please let me know.
Class Teacher
Miss Lear