Welcome to Class 3
This half term we are learning about Oceans in Geography and will continue reading ‘Rooftoppers’ by Katherine Rundell, whilst also exploring poetry and other texts. In Science, we are learning about Circuits, Batteries and Switches. We will also be learning about Playgrounds in DT and Citizenship in PSHE.
- Half Term spellings handed out at the beginning of the half term.
- Reading daily at home with your child.
- Times Tables Rockstars practise as much as possible!
- Y6 – CGP SATS prep books.
Some useful websites:
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button – excellent for practicing your times tables and interactive maths games.
https://studyjams.scholastic.com/ – a good website for revising maths and science, particularly Year 6
Any questions, please contact either Mrs Hemming or myself.