“At the federation of Beckwithshaw, Kettlesing Felliscliffe and Ripley Primary schools we aim to provide an environment of mutual respect and love where all children flourish and who grow together, guided by love.”
Do you have a worry or concern regarding a child’s safety and welfare?
Speak to one of our dedicated Safeguarding Leads who are always here to listen and help.

Miss Victoria Kirkman
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Elouise Foster
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Katy Lyne
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Beckwithsahw)

Jade Carr
Safeguarding Governor

Anneka Brown
Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead (Kettlesing)

Hannah Lear
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Ripley)
Our federation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and expects all staff as well as volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns about a child’s welfare, please contact:
One of the school designated safeguarding members of staff above on: 01423 504 642
Ripley CE School DDSL on: 01423 770 160
Kettlesing School DDSL on: 01423 770 576
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on: 01423 533 080
The Local Authority Multi Agency Screening Team (MAST) on: 0300 131 2 131
Please ask the office for more information.
At the federation of Beckwithshaw, Kettlesing Felliscliffe and Ripley Primary schools safeguarding is of paramount importance. We are strongly committed to promoting the safety and welfare of all children in our care. At all times, our approach considers what is in the best interests of the child. We are rigorous in our duty and ensure that consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support children, families and staff.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found in the Policies section of our website.
Safeguarding Procedures
We safeguard our pupils by:
- Identifying pupils who may need early help or at risk from harm
- Helping pupils by reducing the risk to them and securing the help they may need
- Managing the risk of harm to our pupils by following safer recruitment and allegation procedures.
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
In line with all North Yorkshire schools, at Ripley we follow the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures.
For monitoring safeguarding, wellbeing and all pastoral issues we use the online system, CPOMS. This supports our robust reporting and ensures that any information we report is shared immediately and securely between relevant parties.
Safeguarding Curriculum for Pupils and Whole School Community
We teach our pupils about safeguarding so they know how to keep themselves safe and reduce risks. From Reception to Year 6, pupils learn about safeguarding including online safety, stranger danger and healthy relationships, road and fire safety and first aid. These messages are embedded throughout our curriculum.
Key safeguarding messages are shared in our schools’ newsletters which can be accessed on the home page of our website.
Worried About a Child?
Here at The RBK Federation of Schools we believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, if you ever have any concerns about the welfare of a child, more information can be found here about sharing your concerns.
NYSCP- Worried about a Child?
Where there are significant immediate concerns about the safety of a child, you should contact the police on 999
Everyone has a responsibility to refer a child when it is believed or suspected that a child:
- Has suffered significant harm and /or;
- Is likely to suffer significant harm and/or;
- Has developmental and welfare needs which are likely only to be met through provision of family support services (with agreement of the child’s parent).
If you believe the situation is urgent but does not require the police, please call 0300 131 2 131 to make a telephone contact.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a police and education early information sharing partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Information is shared by the police with the school’s trained Key Adult (Miss Kirkman, DSL) prior to the start of the next school day after officers have attended a domestic abuse incident, thus enabling appropriate support to be given.
Online Safety
E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Ripley. In school, the children learn about E-Safety as part of our PSHE and Computing curriculum. We also celebrate ‘Safer Internet Day’ each year with whole school and class activities.
In the climate of fast developing technology that we live in, it can be very challenging to keep up to date with your child’s online activity and feel confident that you are supporting and protecting them properly.
Install here: https://www.ripplesuicideprevention.com/install
Useful Links for Parents and Carers
Parenting and caring for a child can be very rewarding, but it can also bring it’s challenges and difficult situations throughout all stages of bringing up a child.
NYSCP has provided useful links to information, advice, local and national resources, and services who can provide support to deal with the challenges parenting and caring can throw up to help keep your child safe.
NYSCP - Information for parents and carers
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) provides advice and guidance to parents and carers on a variety of subject. For more information please click the button below.
Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.
Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.
You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you.
Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night. You can talk to us:
- by calling 0800 1111
- by email
- through 1-2-1 counsellor chat
Whatever feels best for you.
We’re here to help children and young people feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful – and have somewhere they feel they belong. Click Here to visit Barnado’s Website