
Federation Subject Leads

Please speak to Miss Kirkman or Mrs Foster if you require further information about our curriculum.

Responsibility Staff Member(s) Base School
SEND Elouise Foster DHT
EYFS Anneka Brown  Kettlesing
Phonics/Early Reading Laura Bassitt
Maths/ RE/SIAMS Charlotte Holstein Ripley
English Hannah Lear Ripley
Science Richard Giles Beckwithshaw
History Emma Sidley Ripley
Geography Laura Bassitt Ripley
PSHCE/ French/Music Katy Lyne Beckwithshaw
Computing Ashleigh Miller Beckwithshaw
DT/Art Stephanie Fiveash Kettlesing
PE Jack Farrimond Kettlesing

Click on the subject below to read more.

Art and Design

A high-quality art and design curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils. Our focus is equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Through this progressive curriculum, pupils will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. Through studying prominent national and international artists, pupils will learn how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.


Our Art and Design curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

-Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences

-Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.

-Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.

-Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Key Stage One

Throughout Key Stage One, Pupils will produce creative work, and discuss and explore different ideas and techniques collaboratively. They also have the opportunity to study the work of famous artists from different genres. They will learn skills in drawing, painting, printing, textiles and collage. Different units will have more of a focus on certain areas than others.

In each cycle, pupils will use a wide range of media and techniques. Progressing the skills learnt in each unit. For instance, in the water colours unit, pupils being by sketching simple drawings, using different thickness of lines. They then move on to painting, based on these different ideas, using different brush sizes and types in order to ‘wash’ the page with a certain mixture of colours. This demonstrates to pupils how one form of art effectively leads into creating a different piece of art altogether.

Key Stage Two

In Key Stage Two, pupils further explore each of the different areas of art, building on skills learnt. Pupils will move from drawing and sketching for a sustained period of time and experimenting with line shape, colour and pattern. They will now use a wider range of tools, and create texture and depth in their sketches. This is done by revisiting certain skills in a different and more challenging way; with pottery, charcoal sketching and painting. Pupils are encouraged to be reflective practitioners, by writing explanations and evaluations about their designs and sketches. They may also reflect on why they have chosen a particular implement to draw with.

Across the curriculum, there are cross curricular links, deepening pupils understanding of areas of history, and equally giving an added appreciation of what they are drawing or making. In Key Stage Two, pupils study sketching with charcoal; this is linked to the Blitz in World War II. There is an added appreciation and understanding for why the medium of charcoal is being used. Furthermore, pupils have a richer understanding of the subject matter, therefore of what they should focus on sketching. This in turn enables pupils to be more self-reflective and creative in their art. Other cross curricular links are made with Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and fossils.

Art and Design RoadMap

Art Long Term Plan

Art and Design Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Art and Design National Curriculum

Art and Design Intent Implementation and Impact


Curriculum Intent

The computing curriculum has the purpose of equipping pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The computing curriculum has deep cross curricular links with maths, Science, and DT. Computing ensures that pupils are digitally literate and are able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology. The ‘Purple Mash’ platform is used in order to teach Computing; this has progressive units of work that develop a pupil’s computational skills throughout their school career. The themes for each unit ensure that all the National Curriculum objectives are covered so that all the learners in our federation receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Units include: coding and computational thinking, spreadsheets, Internet and email, art and design, music, databases and graphing, writing and presenting and communication and networks.


Units are taught in a progressive format; for example, pupils learn coding at the start of the year, before moving on to other units of work that require coding. Equally, pupils will study online safety, before they look at how to send and receive emails and search the Internet effectively. With coding for instance, progression is shown through pupils initially having to explain what an algorithm is and use and plan a set of instructions to complete a task. In Key Stage Two, this progresses to pupils designing and algorithm carefully, thinking about what they want it to do and how they can turn it into code. Pupils also have to identify errors in code and fix these. All units of work (as per the Computing curriculum overviews) are written with this progression at its core.

Computing Road Map

Computing Curriculum Intent

Computing Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Computing progression of knowledge and skills

Non Negotiables

Design and Technology

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. It requires creativity and imagination. Pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines across the curriculum, such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

The curriculum is hung the main areas of Design and Technology: Designing, making, Technical knowledge, evaluation and cooking and nutrition.


Our curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all pupils:

-Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world

-Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users

-Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others

-Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

Key Stage One

Here, pupils will lay the foundations which will be built upon in Key Stage Two. They shall explore different materials and their properties. They will also take part in seasonal activities, such as a seasonal food unit. Cross curricular links are made with the renewable energy project in Key Stage One, linking with the seaside/ recycling unit in geography. This is also done with electrical systems in Key Stage Two (Science) and the Italian Café (Geography).

Foundations of design, such as knowing who the product is for, how it will work and what other existing products are available, are explored. The development of these ideas can be seen in Key Stage Two.

For example, pupils design and make a healthy, spring themed dish in Key Stage One, investigating how to combine food using sensory characteristics. In Key Stage Two, pupils create an Italian café, progressing these skills and learning from science and maths, weighing and measuring to help design and make food products that are aesthetically pleasing and match the design brief. They will also build on previous learning by considering their target audience further, and conducting in depth market research.

Key Stage Two

The foundations acquired in Key Stage One are built upon in Key Stage Two. Pupils take on more complex units of work, designing, making and evaluating in more detail.

With food, pupils will go from having a basic understanding of where food comes from, and the Eatwell Plate, to having a thorough understanding of how food is grown and reared and how seasonal changes affect this.

Pupils move into using computer aided design, using annotated cross-sectional drawings to develop and communicate ideas. They shall also have to make design decisions which consider the availability of resources. This has progressed from having a basic knowledge of design and manufacturing products in Key Stage One, where pupils must know who the product is for; themselves or other users and describe what their products are for and how their products will work.

DT Long Term Plan

DT Curriculum Overview

DT Intent

Progression of Skill DT


Welcome to EYFS at Beckwithshaw, Kettlesing Felliscliffe and Ripley Endowed CE Primary School. EYFS follow a different framework to the rest of the school. Within the mixed classes the curriculums are planned so they link in with a theme. The children are assessed in a continuous process in EYFS and this takes place both informally and formally. Effective assessment helps us to take an accurate view of the whole child, celebrate their successes, challenge learning and put into place any additional support when required. Continuous provision takes place both inside and outside, allowing for learning to take place beyond the classroom. At the end of EYFS the children are assessed against the 7 Early Learning Goals either meeting expected levels of development (expected) or not yet reaching expected levels of development (emerging).

We prioritise building positive relations with both children and parents. We love hearing from our families about children’s experiences at home through conversations and our online learning platform, Seesaw.

EYFS Long Term Plan

Phonics Information Evening Presentation

Federation Phonics and Early Reading Policy

Curriculum Mapping Reception to Year 1

Progression of Skill

EYFS Non Negotiable 

Little Wandle

English, Reading and Phonics

We believe that early reading and phonics at the Federation of Ripley Endowed CE, Beckwithshaw Community and Kettlesing Felliscliffe Primary Schools, supports our children to be confident and charismatic individuals.

Children begin their journey by using the Systematic, Synthetic Phonics programme ‘Little Wandle’: Letters and Sounds Revised which provides a consistent and highly effective approach to the teaching of phonics. All staff are highly trained in the teaching and vocabulary used with Little Wandle. ‘Speedy words’, ‘Tricky Words’ and ‘Shuffle Time’ are just a few of the consistent phrases we are use with our children. Our schools are well resourced for the teaching and learning of ‘Little Wandle’ using the systematic reading of ‘Big Cat Collins’ phonics books for our younger learners.

Within our new guided reading curriculum we develop children to explore and find meaning in texts. A lot of time is spent discussing the books we are reading to ensure new vocabulary is developed. Children enjoy discussing challenging texts with their teachers and support each other in order to understand the text fully, using our comprehension skills of recall, inference, prediction and summarising.

Reading for Pleasure at our federation is what we encourage daily for our children to develop a love of reading. We teach children to see books as a way to learn and explore new concepts. We ensure our classroom environments have a strong focus on reading; using high quality texts, inviting reading areas and opportunities for children to stretch imaginations through author visits and experiences using expressive art forms such as dance, drama and role play.

Reading at home is an important part of wider learning at our federation. Children take a reading book home every day so that they can read their books to themselves and with their families. These books are carefully selected so that children are reading books which challenge them at the level they are working at.  We encourage our parents to make a comment in their child’s Home Reading Record, so that their teachers can see what children have been reading at home.

English subject enrichment roadmap

English Progression of knowledge and skills LTP

Reception Year 1 Progression Little Wandle

Statutory Spelling Word List Y2-6

Little Wandle

How we teach Guided Reading

Text Progression 2024-25

2024 Information for parents reception baseline assessment


At Ripley Endowed CE, Beckwithshaw and Kettlesing Federation of schools, we aim to instil a love of language learning in our pupils and an awareness of other cultures. We cherish our children and help them to flourish in all aspects of life therefore we want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in French for practical purposes, using both the written and spoken language. Through use of the Kapow scheme of work, we aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to learning further languages, developing a strong understanding of the English language, facilitating future study and opening opportunities to learn and work in other countries in later life should they choose to. We place the language learner at the centre of what we do and recognise the valuable links between French and the other curriculum subjects.

The scheme of work is designed with six strands that run throughout.

These are:

  • Speaking and pronunciation
  • Grammar
  • Listening
  • Intercultural understanding
  • Reading and writing
  • Language detective skills

Our Progression of skills and knowledge shows the skills and knowledge that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of Key Stage 2. Through the Kapow Primary French scheme, pupils are given opportunities to communicate for practical purposes around familiar subjects and routines. The scheme provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written French, although in Year 3 the focus is on developing oral skills, before incorporating written French during Year 4 and beyond. It is a spiral curriculum, with key skills and vocabulary revisited repeatedly with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Cross-curricular links are included throughout our French units, allowing children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning,.

The expected impact of following our MFL scheme of work is that children will be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g., ordering in a cafe, following directions) and express an opinion, knowing more and remembering more. They will make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases, and short texts and speak and read aloud with confidence and increased accuracy in pronunciation. In addition, they will demonstrate understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately and be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt. They will meet the end of Key Stage 2 expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Languages.

French Long Term Plan

French Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Languages – Intent Implementation and Impact



Our Geography curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
-Develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes
-Understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time are competent with Geography skills.
-Collecting, analysing and communicating with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
-Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
-Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, pupils will develop knowledge about the world the United Kingdom and their locality. Our Geography curriculum allows pupils to do all of these things, and compare and contrast their local are to other areas of the UK, and in turn the wider world. As can be seen through the Key Stage One Curriculum, pupils progressively build on the skills they have learnt. Moving from a study of the local area and a local case study, to drawing maps in order to know where they are situated in terms of other major landmarks in the local area. Then in turn, pupils will move on to studying a more regional area of the UK, the Yorkshire seaside. This gives pupils the opportunity to compare this location, to their locality and apply map skills learnt in previous units. Pupils will also consider the different seasons and how they are different. They will compare the seasons in the UK to seasons in other countries. The ‘Hot and Cold Places’ unit again allows pupils to compare and contrast climates across the world to the UK and consider why there are different climate zones. They will also consider pollution, which is discussed in our seaside topic, through waste being washed up on our beaches. These units also allow discussion across the curriculum, with different areas of the UK being studied in history. Pupils have the opportunity to look in more depth where these places are, using atlases and map skills. As per the unit overviews in Geography, location knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork are woven throughout these units.

Key Stage Two

Pupils will extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They will develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge. Pupils have the opportunity to build on knowledge from Key Stage one. In their local study, pupils will develop skills acquired in their Key Stage One local study, such as map skills, comparing infrastructure, population, landmarks and map work. Studying these from a different angle gives pupils a richer understanding of how History and Geography go hand in hand. The issue of pollution is also developed in the ‘Plastic Pollution’ unit adding to the issues around waste and recycling in the ‘Seaside/ Recycling’ unit in Key Stage One. Pupils study the differences between seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK, then equatorial and polar regions, building on the four seasons unit studied in Key Stage One.

Geography Long Term Plan

Knoweledge Progression Geography


Curriculum Intent

We believe that a well-rounded History curriculum will allow children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We have carefully designed our History curriculum so that children gain this knowledge as they progress through the school. In addition to this, we recognise the important role that History plays in preparing our children with skills that they can use for life, raising their aspirations, understand how to be a good and responsible citizen, understanding change and societal development and a context in which to understand themselves and others. This is extremely important for children in our federation by allowing them access to the wider world. Through our History curriculum, we strive to inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past and to know more about the past. Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to question, think critically, analyse evidence, consider different arguments, and develop their own opinions through this process. We endeavour to teach children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.


Pupils will remember and recall important facts and knowledge from historical periods, including those that have previously been studied further down school. They will also make links and draw comparisons between different periods in history. Learning is planned sequentially to ensure that prior knowledge is built upon. Pupils will use historical sources to acquire knowledge and learn that past events can be interpreted in different ways. Pupils, through their engagement and curiosity, will apply their knowledge to understand how past events have influenced our world.

Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, pupils learn about many prominent figures in British history and in world history. They have the opportunity to evaluate their impact and see if there is still and impact today. As a result of studying different prominent figures, they have the opportunity to directly compare them to one another. For instance, pupils will be able to compare the life and times of Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. They will be able to discuss how both were explorers, but were remarkably different, due to the times in which they live. Comparisons between the voyages of Columbus and the Apollo space programme will also be directly compared, as will the timeline between these people and what changes contributed to their differences.

This also builds on family history and stories learnt in the EYFS curriculum, shifting from learning about family history to world history.

Pupils will also learn about toys from the Victorian age and toys from modern times. They have the opportunity to look at the chronology of events which has made toys so different today. Furthermore, they will compare different sources and artefacts, sequencing these. There is also scope here for comparing the Victorian period to an even earlier period of Britain, in the Great Fire of London.

Key Stage 2

Units such as The Stone Age to Iron Age and Ancient Rome are taught in lower KS2, so that comparisons can be drawn with other early civilisations, Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Maya and Ancient Greece in Upper Key Stage 2. Pupils will be able to contrast societies that built the pyramids and ancient Maya cities, with life in Britain at the time Stonehenge was built for instance. Throughout the unit of knowledge, there will be a focus on developing pupils’ grasp of the key concept of change and continuity. As written records are non- existent or extremely limited for this period, pupils can concentrate on strong visual images and artefactual evidence. By looking at specific case studies from the British Isles and Ancient Rome, pupils can see how evidence is pieced together. This can them be built upon in Upper Key Stage 2. One of the central themes of the unit of knowledge is on problem-solving and answering the question ‘How can we possibly know?’ This unit of knowledge explores the abstract concept of ‘civilisation’. This concept is built upon when the children learn about Ancient Egypt, The Maya Civilisation and Ancient Greece.

The Romans and Stone Age to Iron age is taught in the same cycle to develop pupils’ chronological understanding and their ability to see clear contrasts between these very contrasting periods in Britain. Pupils will focus on comparing and contrasting different people in ancient Rome and in the Stone Age; they will have the opportunity to directly contrast the different periods in British History. This will also be done when pupils explore Tudor Britain, the time of Henry VIII, his significance and Tudor society. They will learn what the Romans brought to Britain, both at the time and over time. This will be compared to how people lived during the Stone Age. This unit of knowledge explores the concepts of ‘empire’ (Roman Empire and British Empire), which is in turn revisited with the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. The concept of ‘invasion’ is reinforced when children learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and the concept of ‘trade’ is be reinforced through a unit of knowledge on the Maya Civilisation.

History Roadmap

History Long Term Plan

Knowledge Progression History 


Maths Enrichment

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life; critical to science, technology and engineering; necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.

The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.

Calculation Policy

Maths LTP

Maths Non Negotiables 2024-25

Maths Mental Oral Starter Progression and LTP 2024-25


Music Intent:

  • To help children develop a life-long love of music
  • To focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need to become confident performers, composers and listeners
  • To introduce children to music from around the world and across generations in order to teach them to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities

In music lessons, children will develop and improve their singing skills and learn how to play both tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music alongside listening and responding to it. They will develop an understanding of the history and cultural context of the music that they listen to and learn how music can be written down.

The strands below are woven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences…

  • Performing
  • Listening
  • Composing
  • History of music
  • The inter-related dimensions of music

Over the course of their lessons in music, throughout their time in school, children will be taught to sing fluently and expressively as well as playing instruments accurately and with control. They will learn the names of the inter-related dimensions of music- pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics and use these creatively in their own improvisations and compositions.

The Kapow Primary Scheme follows a spiral curriculum model where previous knowledge and skills are returned to and built upon. Children progress in terms of tackling more complex tasks and doing the simple tasks better as well as developing knowledge and understanding of the history of music, staff and other musical notations and the inter-related dimensions of music stated above. Our ‘music for pleasure’ plan supports and guides teachers to ensure that music is thoroughly enjoyed throughout the children’s primary years and that they have opportunities to apply their skills to performances and compositions that they become involved in.

Lessons are ‘hands on’ and incorporate music and dance elements, as well as making cross curricular links where possible. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks as well and group and paired experiences- opportunities for improvisation and teacher-led performances.

Timetabling: All children from Reception to Year 6 engage in music lessons and experiences, following our long-term plan and music for pleasure plan. Music is timetabled for an hour each week during Autumn 1, following the Kapow Primary scheme with the focus in Autumn 2 shifting to a musical production/choir concert experience as outlined in our music for pleasure plan. Spring/Summer term involves children completing further Kapow units and following the progressive instrumental scheme prior to their community productions/performances at the end of Summer.

The impact of this is that children become confident performers, composers and listeners who are able to express themselves musically. They will meet the end of Key Stage Two expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for music and they will respect and appreciate a wide range of musical styles, knowing more and understanding more. Children will understand ways in which music can be written down to support performances and composition work. They will identify their own musical preferences and be able to discuss these.

Road Map Music

Music Long Term Plan

Music Progression Knowledge and Skills

Music Vocabulary Pyramid

Music Development Plan


Curriculum Intent

Our PE curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect, which is something we strive for from all our pupils. We also aim to teach our pupils about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle.


To develop confidence and compete in a broad range of physical activities. To be physically active for sustained period of time. To develop physical skills alongside applying skills acquired in different fields. To take part in competitive activities with other schools. To lead healthy and active lifestyles.

Key Stage One

Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. The aim is that pupils become more competent and grow in confidence. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities.

Pupils should be taught to:

Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities

Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending

Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Key Stage Two

Pupils will build upon what they have practised in Key Stage One.

Pupils will be taught to:

Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics] Perform dances using a range of movement patterns Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team

Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

For instance, when playing net and wall games in Key Stage One, pupils will refine their movement, coordination and balance when moving with the ball around obstacles. They will then move onto performing simple rallies, with the ball bouncing. Some pupils may then move onto volleying the ball under control.

In Key Stage Two, this progresses to there being the recognised structures of a tennis game, using and applying different skills when trying to win points. The skills from Key Stage One are used in a competitive situation.

Pupils’ performances are then self-assessed and peer assessed and improvements will be made in the next activity, or coming lessons.

PE Long Term Plan

PE Progression of Vocabulary

PE Intent

Progression of Skills




Our Curriculum follows the Kapow PSHE scheme of learning.

Our PSHE curriculum is ambitious and accessible for all our pupils.

There is a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. There are also sessions pinned around mindfulness, allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Kapow’s units of work are:

  • Families and Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Safety and the Changing Body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic Wellbeing
  • Transition

YEAR 6 ONY – Identity


To develop the knowledge and skills as well as the values of citizenship in order to keep themselves healthy and safe, as they prepare for life and work in modern Britain.

To learn how to develop and maintain healthy relationships

To learn about a wide range of rights and responsibilities and to understand that actions have consequences and their actions may adversely affect others.

Pupils begin to look at the units of work at a level appropriate to them. We discuss ourselves and our families and how we are all important and individual. We discuss what our ambitions are and how we can reach these goals we set.

Pupils in Key Stage Two are taught RSE and more mature topics, at a relevant level. These encompass County Lines, gangs, drugs, alcohol and growing up. These issues are not taught or discussed in the mixed year group setting, but rather in respective years groups. Other year groups in the class will then look at other more suitable units for them, such as First Aid or visiting an issue particular to that class or school, be it bullying or health and wellbeing.


All pupils study the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus with Understanding Christianity for Religious Education.

The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.


To learn about the diversity and know how to ask questions about different religions and worldviews. To will be able to articulate their own personal beliefs and values. To explore the similarities and differences between different major religions. To encourage a sense of identity and belonging

Key Stage One

Pupils should develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should use basic subject specific vocabulary. They should raise questions and begin to express their own views in response to the material they learn about and in response to questions about their ideas.

Key Stage Two

Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should be introduced to an extended range of sources and subject specific vocabulary. They should be encouraged to be curious and to ask increasingly challenging questions about religion, belief, values and human life. Pupils should learn to express their own ideas in response to the material they engage with, identifying relevant information, selecting examples and giving reasons to support their ideas and views

RE Enrichment

Religious Education Long Term Plan

Religious Education Non-Negotiables
